The paintings

The paintings of the Karukera cottage

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One of the pleasures of operating holiday rentals is to receive a great number of people and to exchange.
Among many, we enjoyed receiving Chantal Desplat in one of our cottages.

Quite naturally and completely free of charge, this painting artist proposed to let us share her talent.
And so, one of our cottages has served as a painting canvas.

In this cottage Chantal has let her inspiration and her paint brushes run free and her talent has colored
the terrace and the interior with cheerfulness and just the right touch.

And so, you will be able to appreciate her style while sejourning in your rental at Lamateliane
and likely discouver the other creations present in this cottage.

In order to appreciate more of Chantal Desplat’s creations, all you have to do is click on this link.

Thank you, Chantal !